Nutritional Scientific Corporation (NSC), nationally known as “The Beta Glucan Company”, is a privately owned research corporation with U. S. medical school researched beta-1,3/1,6 glucan as a focus. NSC manufactures and markets nationally and internationally a line of NSC IMMUNITION Products, with most containing MG Beta Glucan. The Nutritional Scientific Corporation Research and Distribution Center is a 10,000 sq. ft. facility on 2 acres in Liberty, Texas located in the Houston, Texas metropolitan area.
NSC products featuring beta glucan were the first distributed and sold nationally and continue today as the premier beta glucan marketed directly to our customers by telephone, email and internet. Also, through retail stores, physicians, naturopaths, dentists and other health care providers. NSC does not sell through multilevel programs as do many competitors.
MG Beta glucan is a major beta glucan manufacturer through a unique process based on internal and U.S. medical school research, with peer-reviewed published studies on MG Beta Glucan listed in national research registry at PubMed. (Most beta glucan research reported in PubMed is not sourced from NSC). In association with a predecessor entity, Carmel Research, Inc., NSC has for decades participated in sponsored research in beta glucan in association with such beta glucan pioneers as Dr. Nicholas DiLuzio at Tulane University and Kenneth W. Hunter, Jr. ScD at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and independently.
NSC and Carmel Research have helped produce, or own, multiple U.S. Patents involving the immune response and beta glucan. According to Tulane University, “Dr. DiLuzio was the first to use glucan, …to stimulate macrophages to mobilize and destroy certain tumors and fight off infection.” ( Dr. Kenneth W. Hunter, Jr. ScD is an internationally prominent immunologist and World Health Organization adviser, with dozens of peer reviewed published studies.
Frank Jordan MBA, CEO and Research Director of NSC, is a nationally recognized expert in Beta Glucan, including recognized as such in a U.S. Federal Court. Frank has both authored a book and many information papers on MG Beta Glucan plus being a coinventor with Dr. Hunter and Dr. Ruth Gault on an issued U.S. Patent, foreign Patent and other patents filed ( Jordan is also a health media personality with nationally broadcast TV appearances on Know the Cause, plus having produced more than 50 YouTube videos on health.
NSC has been involved in 25+ years of U.S. Medical School research involving beta glucan and immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is the study of what are designated as immuno-modulator agents that elicit or amplify an immune response in the immune cells in the body to address what seeks to harm the body. Beta glucan as an immuno-modulator and biological response modifier (BRM) has been shown through research to nutritionally induce and enhance an immune response, including a nutritional influence on normalization of certain immune cells.
Micro-nano particulate (very small particle) glucan research is now the cutting edge of immunotherapy research, with Nutritional Scientific Corporation having been on the forefront of nano-micronization research involving beta glucan. Research indicates Nano-micronization increases internalization and increases immune cell uptake to contribute to immune response enhancement. Microparticulate Glucan with unique characteristics is the focus of NSC research and products, marketed as NSC IMMUNITION Beta Glucan. As a note, 1,000 nano-meters equals 1 micro-meter or micron and 1 micron is 1/25,400th of an inch.
In a unique process, NSC MG Beta Glucan is subjected to rigorous testing in the industry including prior to, during and after initial processing and then prior to encapsulation. Independent entities certified and licensed to perform testing assure an almost 100% pure (99% per most recent certificate of analysis) and activating beta glucan. NSC is compliant in all aspects of governmental regulations applicable to production and distribution of NSC MG Beta Glucan and products.
Certificates of Analysis are obtained by NSC on each batch of processed MG Beta Glucan, with the MG Beta Glucan produced in accord with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in the United States.
The mission of “The Beta Glucan Company” – Nutritional Scientific Corp (NSC) – is to nutritionally contribute to health and wellness with high quality products produced by rigorous standards based on scientific research, including direct U.S. Medical School Research on the beta glucan utilized in NSC IMMUNITION products.
Choose well – choose NSC – “The Beta Glucan Company.”
This Nutritional Scientific Corporation (NSC) website ( is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered; however, this website is not intended to be a substitute for a professional consultation with a physician or a qualified health care provider or to offer medical or related professional advice. Frank Jordan, Doug Kaufmann, NSC, its officers, directors, shareholders and/or employees or independent contractors, specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, that is or may be incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any information contained on this website nor are they to be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this website. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. Questions pertaining to nutritional intervention for the prevention or treatment of a disease cannot be answered. Questions oriented to prescribing or diagnosing an illness are best addressed by a healthcare practitioner. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your personal health care provider. In the event the visitor to this website desires to obtain specific medical advice or other information concerning a specific person, condition or situation, the services of a competent health care professional should be sought and utilized. If you have any medical condition or are taking any prescription or non-prescription medications, consult your medical professional before beginning any new conventional or alternative therapy or discontinuing the medication or treatment you are currently receiving. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements or other products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.