COVID-19 Can Cause Havoc in the G I Tract / Gut – Even After Gone!
Respiratory damages from COVID-19 can be devastating to health, but what about your gut and GI Tract and that weakness that continues sometimes far after you test negative for the virus? The degree of negative changes in gut composition in those both with COVID-19 and after recovery from COVID-19 are now thought to be due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus in creating a dysfunctional or impaired immune response including cytokine storms, even after the virus is gone.
One hundred persons with medically confirmed COVID-19 were evaluated and monitored by medical and professional healthcare personnel in a recent study conducted in two major hospitals.
The findings found due to the virus multiple study patients had depletion of gut organisms that benefit the immune response; meaning COVID-19 for some people can contribute to severe COVIID-19 disease and associated damage and residual problems in the G I Tract/Gut. While SARS-CoV-2 primarily infects the respiratory tract, the gut should be analyzed and tested when COVID-19 is suspected to attempt to minimize enhanced inflammation that can create numerous additional issues. That bad gut feeling can be real due to COVID-19.
The study further revealed another negative that can be controlled by health practitioners. In the study groups (2 hospitals) 50 to 75% were given an antibiotic, although only 7% had bacterial concerns indicating an antibiotic was appropriate. It should be noted antibiotics can harm or kill good bacteria as well as targeted bad pathogenic bacteria.
High quality probiotics are suggested to attempt to replace needed good bacteria that balance the gut and help keep your immune response balanced to fight other pathogens, including Candida / fungus.
The study also found a probable cause of fatigue that continues after declared recovery from the COVID-19 virus. The research indicates damage from the COVID-19 virus contributes to dysregulation of the immune response meaning the harmony and balance known as homeostasis in the body is knocked out of sync, making fatigue and other challenges particularly involving inflammation more likely.
Notice: NSC had no involvement in any aspect of the reported study, analysis and findings but support the suggestions for further studies and a plan to keep the immune response at optimum. The study is lengthy and detailed and you are urged to read the entire study at the citation link below:
Researchers: Yeoh YK, Zuo T, Lui GC, et al “Gut microbiota composition reflects disease severity and dysfunctional immune responses in patients with COVID-19.” Gut Published Online First: 11 January 2021.