Time to Reset and Then Keep Your New Resolutions!
Frequently, not just once annually, we need to do something to refocus ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you haven’t recently, the time is now. Setting goals can help guide our focus and motivate us in establishing new habits to support our goals.
What are some personal goals you would like to accomplish? Maybe your goal is to improve your physical health. Your goal could be to develop a healthier relationship with food or to learn a new skill. Whatever the case, write it down. Put it somewhere you will see it every single day. Keeping it in front of you will help you to maintain your focus and be less likely to get side-lined away from it. Read it out loud. Do not read it out like a chore or a task that you just want to get done with but instead, read it with enthusiasm! When you do this every day, it gets ingrained into your subconscious. Every single day at every single opportunity, your subconscious mind is trying to find ways to help you reach your goal.
The next step is to develop a plan. Zig Ziglar once said, “You need a plan to build a house. To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or a goal.” Set benchmarks that measure your progress toward attaining your goal. What gets measured, gets improved! As you reach your benchmarks toward your goal, the motivation grows. If you make a mistake or have a setback, learn and grow from it and keep moving forward. Do not let it be an excuse to quit.
Some people have mental blocks against setting goals for themselves because they fear failure. While this can be difficult to overcome, it is not impossible. The key is to visualize success every time you look at and read your written goal. If you visualize yourself reaching your goal, you are more likely to achieve success. Be careful though because the opposite is also true. The truth is, the only way you can fail is if you quit or worse, never even try.
Believe in yourself enough to try. Make the commitment to yourself. Any goal you set to improve your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual wellness is worth the effort. We should all want to improve ourselves, not only for our own well-being but to be a better person for those around us. Think about that and let it sink in.
So, what is the alternative. You stay where you are, in your regular routine without any goals. Staying in our comfort zones keep us from growing and maturing and denies us from reaching our highest potential in life. Remember what Albert Einstein said. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
As you review your status, determine within yourself to let this be your clean slate, your fresh start. Take some time to evaluate where you are, what want to improve and set a goal to accomplish it. I promise, if you give it a chance, you are guaranteed to be better off a year from now than if you never gave it any effort. You may even impress yourself. You will be surprised at what a difference a year can make. Commit today to make today a new beginning and reset for a new you and congratulations on taking the first step.