Fungus in Hiding
Could a fungus in hiding be making you ill? How many courses of antibiotics have you had over the years? Frequent use of antibiotics disrupts the normal balance of about 6 to 1 between healthy bacteria in the gut and dangerous pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and occasionally parasites. When the good bugs are killed by antibiotics or not fed with enough fiber, or the bad guys are fueled with too much sugar, then yeasts and other toxic agents take over.
If this imbalance occurs, many chronic illnesses and symptoms including allergies, chronic inflammation, inflamed joint issues, brain challenges, respiratory issues and digestive problems can occur. Why are yeast overgrowth and mycotoxins so often overlooked and/or misdiagnosed by conventional medicine?
Medical students today only minimally learn about fungal and yeast problems. They know folks with diabetes tend to grow yeast because yeast likes sugar. Babies get thrush. Women get vaginal Candida yeast infections. All of these are well-accepted and treatable fungus problems.
Unfortunately too often other problems related to yeast are overlooked or ignored and not linked to patient’s complaints. Fact – if a subject is not taught in medical school, it’s assumed to not be real. With fungus and mycotoxins, this is a dangerous assumption.
We know yeast overgrowth can be triggered by high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet, impaired immunity, antibiotics, birth control pills, estrogen, and steroids plus psychological stress.
Although symptoms of yeast overgrowth are similar to those of many other conditions, you may have a yeast problem if you have fatigue, malaise or brain fog, thrush, bloating, yeast and bladder infections, thyroid dysfunction, depression, irritability, allergies, impaired immune response, carb food and sugar cravings or nail fungus.
What to do? Don’t take antibiotics, steroids, or hormones unless absolutely medically necessary. Eat a diet that doesn’t feed yeast by eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates and use Doug Kaufmann’s Phase 1 diet.
Use NSC Pro Probiotics to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria while taking a natural antifungal such as NSC Caprylic Plus and NSC 100 Extra Strength MG Glucan.
If needed for serious fungal infections, use prescription medications such as Diflucan and Nystatin after physician consultation. Identify toxic fungi and molds in your home or workplace in places such as vents and utility rooms and remediated immediately. Reduce stress and be informed.
You know that fungi, yeasts, and mold can make you sick so help your body help you! Periodically cleanse with products such as NSC ImmuCleanse with charcoal and much more to nutritionally help remove fungus from your gastrointestinal tract. Don’t let fungus hide any longer as you become healthy, wealthy and wise.