‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’ were Then to Provide “Prevention/Immunity”- NOW only “Protection” per CDC 09/01/21
The CDC website on September 1, 2021 made a major change in the CDC’ definition of a vaccine and to immunity. Prior to that date, a vaccine was defined as “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” and immunity was defined as “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.”
On September 1, 2021 the definition of what a vaccine is to provide changed to just “protection” from an infectious disease to some undefined degree (time of effectiveness; degree of severity, time infected, varying w/ variants, etc). Previously, to obtain an approved vaccine status, the vaccine was required to stimulate the immune system to the point if exposed to an infectious disease you would have immunity that would keep you from becoming infected. Now maybe, but probably not.
The third key word prior to September 1, 2021 had “Vaccination” defined by the CDC as “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” After September 1, 2021, “Vaccination” is the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”
If the antibodies now created by a redefined vaccine are required to last only a brief period of only months or for a limited benefit on mutated viral infections, then a new category of “booster” vaccine shot is possible and potentially can be mandated to what is alleged to be needed for “protection” against the infectious disease. Please define “protection.”
Analyzing the CDC changes in definitions of the key words “vaccine”, “vaccination”, and “immunity” would indicate based on revised definitions, vaccines are no longer required to produce absolute immunity or prevention from the vaccinated suffering an infectious disease for which the vaccine is internalized; just some degree of protection for an unknown time and then booster vaccine shots when the first and second vaccine shots are no longer effective.
To reiterate, before September 1, 2021, you were assumed immune without becoming infected to an infectious disease if you had the appropriate CDC/FDA vaccine vaccination, even if exposed to the infectious disease. Now you don’t really know for how long the vaccines will work according to Dr. Fauci and others, so the debate is now when are you officially “vaccinated.” This is critical because the government agencies FDA, CDC and OSHA want the “unvaccinated” to be severely impacted if unable to provide proof of complete vaccination. What is complete vaccination? Is it mandatory by law?
The only thing certain at present is uncertainty, especially when we now must be deemed “vaccinated to avoid being unvaccinated?” Hopefully we are following the science and not the dollar. People just want to avoid having a potentially lethal disease, but does one size fit all? Effective vaccine good. For who, when and for how long? Transparent research and unmanipulated data is needed. Let health be the focus and not profits, control or politics. What we do know is the vaccine of today (November 25, 2021) has evolved from “prevention” pre-2015 to “immunity” 2015-8/2021 to “protection (flexible)” 09/01/21-until….